Daily DevotionalJanuary 7, 2025

Daily Devotional | Equal Before God

Galatians 2:6–10
Equal Before God
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Competition can be healthy and enjoyable. It spurs us to do our best and fills us with admiration for those who do well. But when it comes to ministry, collaboration is generally a stronger model. When believers work together in unity, they bring their gifts and resources to the table and share them for the good of the group to reach a common goal.

In Galatians 2:6–10, Paul explains the conclusion of his important Jerusalem meeting. He downplays the credentials of the apostles he came to visit, “those who were held in high esteem” (v. 6). Their elevated reputations were merely a human phenomenon. And while Paul clearly respected these leaders, he emphasizes that, before God, they were of equal standing. “God does not show favoritism” (v. 6). These apostles had determined that Paul’s gospel message was acceptable, exactly as he had been preaching it, without further stipulations or modifications (v. 6).

In verses 7–9, Paul recounts the same verdict in three different ways for emphasis: Peter would preach the gospel to the Jews, and Paul would take the gospel to the Gentiles. God had clearly called both men; He had empowered both for ministry (v. 8). And God would be glorified through their unified (not competing) mission, evidenced by the “right hand of fellowship” they shared. Both men were partners in mission and equal in status.

The only exception was a request for Paul and his colleagues to continue their ministry to the poor (v. 10). This may refer to the needs of the struggling Jewish churches in Judea—further confirmation of their compassionate collaboration (Rom. 15:26). This was easy for Paul to fulfill since he was already doing it and intended to continue.

Go Deeper

How might competition harm the work of the church? On the other hand, what examples of strong collaboration have you seen or experienced?

Pray with Us

Jesus, what a privilege to learn from faithful disciples You called, to see their faith, their love, and even their doubts and failures. Help us to be examples of true love and to seek You even in the midst of our isolation and loneliness.

God does not show favoritism.Galatians 2:6

About the Author

Kelli Worrall

Kelli Worrall is Professor of Communications and Chair of the Division of Music and Media Arts at Moody Bible Institute.

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